
国外博彩app to help you explore 国外博彩app.

A group of people sitting on bleachers at a football game.

The 本科招生 Office offers a number of admissions events throughout the year to help you learn more about 国外博彩app and navigate the admissions process. 我们希望在聚会上见到你! 

找到更多的 events for undergraduate transfer students.



Join us for 红鹰夏日星期五 in Seattle, an extended visit option that allows you to learn more about our Redhawk community, hear from campus partners and current 国外博彩app students, find out about important financial aid resources, 参观一下校园. First-year and transfer students, along with their guests, are all welcome.


What Education Looks Like at 国外博彩app
You'll be greeted by our 招生 team, who will first provide you with an overview of the SU experience and opportunities.

Student Financial Services Presentation

Making the 国外博彩app Investment Affordable
Did you know most students at Seattle U come from families making less than $120,000 annually? 另外, the average SU student borrows over $10,低于全国平均水平, and 26% do not need to take out any loans.

了解更多国外博彩app奖学金的信息, 财政援助流程, and affordability with a short presentation by one of our knowledgeable 金融援助 Counselors.


Connect with our 当前的学生 and Campus Partners
Join representatives from student life offices across campus, 还有现在的红鹰队, for a panel about the student experience inside and outside the classroom. Ask your questions and get some answers!

Join one of our student ambassadors as they show you our stunning campus in the heart of the city, which is also a designated Backyard Wildlife Sanctuary and a qualified Wildlife Habitat.

除了一般的校园参观, you'll have the chance to visit specialized areas of your interest, 包括:

  • 竞技健身中心
  • Biology, Chemistry and Computer Science spaces
  • Billodue Makerspace(学习3d打印, 激光和乙烯基切割, 玻璃制品, 缝纫, 纤维艺术, 自行车维修)
  • 工程的空间
  • 电子竞技休息室和学生中心
  • Lee Center for the Arts (State-of-the-art performance and exhibition space)
  • 圣礼拜堂. 伊格内修斯

If you have any questions about 红鹰夏日星期五, please contact admissions@mogrenlandscape.com.

我不能参加红鹰队的周五夏令营. 如何了解更多国外博彩app国外博彩app的信息?

There are a number of ways to learn more about 国外博彩app! 参加一个 校园参观及宣讲会 on another Monday-Thursday this summer, contact your assigned 招生 Counselor,或者拿我们的 虚拟之旅.

How can I cancel or change my registration?

Please call 206-220-8040 or email admissionsevent@mogrenlandscape.com. 我们很乐意帮助你.

Do family members and supporters typically attend?

Absolutely—we can't wait to welcome you all to campus.



秋季预展日 provides opportunities for prospective first time in college and transfer students to explore our campus and learn more about 国外博彩app. 教师, staff and current students will be on hand to give you information on 国外博彩app's academic programs, 学生生活机会, and the admissions and financial aid processes.

Event registrants will receive schedule and parking updates in the week leading up to the event.


Please note that the schedule is subject to change. 

8:30–9:00 a.m. | 登记及欧陆早餐

9:00–9:50 a.m. |问候和欢迎辞

9:50–10:35 a.m. |学术资讯会

10:35–11:05 a.m. |学术部门展销会 

11:10–11:45 a.m. |工作坊1 

11:55 a.m.–12:30 p.m. |工作坊2 

12:30–1:05 p.m. |午餐

1:10–1:45 p.m. |工作坊三



  • 学术资讯会
  • 申请国外博彩app 
  • 住校 
  • 如何资助你的教育
  • 护理临床表现实验室之旅
  • 国外的教育
  • 红鹰学生小组
  • 学生带领的校园之旅
  • Disability Access and Accommodation in College

在你回复之后, check your email for tips to make the most of your visit and learn about parking, 国外博彩app登记, 等.

联络我们的办公室: 206-220-8040 或者发邮件给他们 admissionsevent@mogrenlandscape.com 如果你有任何问题! 

我不能参加秋季预演了. 如何了解更多国外博彩app国外博彩app的信息?

There are a number of ways to learn more about 国外博彩app! 参加一个 虚拟资讯会, contact your assigned 招生 Counselor 或者拿我们的 虚拟之旅

Do family members and supporters typically attend?

Absolutely—we can't wait to welcome you all to campus!



The 录取学生日 offer admitted students an opportunity to meet with deans, 教师, representatives from student services departments, 经济援助顾问, 以及学生组织的成员. 将提供工作坊 一整天——专业和实验室/设施参观, 住宿和住宿参观, 职业接触, 学术顾问, 国外的教育, 核心课程, 社区参与及其他.

Curious to know what Admitted Student Day is all about? See an example of the Admitted Student Day schedule below.


Admitted students can RSVP through the Redhawk 招生 Portal when registration opens in December.

8:15 - 9 am


9 - 9:50 am


10 - 11:15 am

Academic Open Houses (various locations throughout campus)

11:25 - 12 pm


  • 校园之旅
  • 护理临床表现实验室之旅
  • Pre-健康 (Pre-Med+)咨询
  • 职业接触
  • 住校
  • 荣誉课程
  • 作为BIPOC学生的成功之路

12 - 1 pm

午餐 & dropin招待会

  • 家庭 & 支持者接待
  • 在校生小组

1:10 - 1:45 pm

A sampling of Workshop Session 2 Topic包括:

  • 学业成功资源
  • Student Financial Services/金融援助
  • 红鹰海外教育
  • 学生多样性和包容性
  • 红鹰嘉年华

1:55 - 2:30 pm

A sampling of Workshop Session 3 Topic包括:

  • 承认,下一步是什么? 大学新生
  • 一级田径
  • Engaging Fitness, Sports and the Outdoors
  • 学生社团和校园传统
  • 服务及社区参与


Explore other events where you can learn more about 国外博彩app.


The Pacific Northwest Association for College Admission Counseling (PNACAC) invites you to plan your future. Students, parents, and counselors are welcome to attend the Spring College Fair in Seattle. More than 100 colleges from across the country are usually represented!

Pacific Northwest Jesuit Excellence 之旅

Seattle-area prospective applicants considering pursuing their undergraduate degrees at a Jesuit institution are encouraged to stop by the Jesuit Excellence 之旅, a college fair that allows admissions staff from Jesuit colleges and universities to answer your questions regarding their institutions and the application process. Representatives from 15 Jesuit colleges and universities will be present.


我们是来帮忙的. For questions about Admission 国外博彩app, contact:
