
Building healthy relationships is part of a great college experience. 无论是友谊还是爱情, it is important to understand what a healthy relationship looks like.



Makings new friends and maintaining those relationships isn't always easy, 但是 建立友谊是非常值得的. Meeting new people can be scary but remember, every friendship looks different. 

和别人住在一起也会产生友谊. Roommate relationships add a layer of complexity to building something new, but putting in hard work and 理解 can make a world of difference.  


Building healthy relationships includes communication and 理解. 建立、探索和建立是很重要的 健康的模式 从一开始的行为. 知道如何 认识到不健康的关系 也很重要. Having all members of the relationship play equal roles can aid in the longevity and enjoyment of the relationship. 


Every relationship will have times that are 不 so sunny and this can lead to disagreements. Arguments in a relationship are natural, what matters is that every participant fights fair. 


It can be hard when a relationship ends or a partner leaves you. 分手后往往很难找到 坚实的基础. 每个人都有不同的应对方式. 健康 and 健康 Promotion is here to help you put the piece of your life together in a constructive way. 


我们提供卫生棉条, 垫, and menstrual cups (subject to current supply) at no charge for students who need them. 的y are located on the table to the right as you enter the office. 该服务旨在 协助 有意外需要的学生. If your financial situation doesn't allow for regular access to tampons or please speak with us and we'll work with you to address your need as well as discuss other basic needs you may have.  

If you do choose to have sex, it is important to understand what safe sex looks like. 这里有一个指南 什么是不安全的性爱,以更好地了解是什么. 如果你想知道什么是安全性行为, 去问爱丽丝! 

性传播疾病 affect over 110 million Americans each year… and they are 100% preventable. 性传播疾病 can vary from lifelong battles to infections like chlamydia and gonorrhea, 哪些可以用抗生素治疗. If you choose to have sex, it's important to get tested on a regular basis and to practice safe sex. 


了解性传播疾病, 它们是如何被承包的, and what you can do to prevent their transmission allows you to make the healthiest decisions possible! 这些疾病预防控制中心 事实表 are a simple guide to familiarize yourself with what is out there. 

If you're sexually active get tested for 性传播疾病 regularly and between partners. 

  • 保密的性病检测可在预约 学生健康中心 收费的. 
  • 的 在Harborview的性病诊所 is only blocks from campus and offers comprehensive STD testing and treatment. 无需预约, 医疗服务的支付采用浮动收费标准, 无论支付能力如何,每个人都会被看到. 
  • 终身 提供免费的艾滋病毒快速检测.  

艾滋病毒 代表人类免疫缺陷病毒,如果不及时治疗, 会导致获得性免疫缺陷综合症(艾滋病). Unlike most viruses, your body can不 completely get rid of 艾滋病毒 with treatment. 一旦你感染了艾滋病毒,这是一个终生的旅程. 疾病预防控制中心 提供大量有关爱滋病毒及爱滋病的资料. 

有了现代技术, there are a variety of treatment plans and preventative measures to decrease the spread of 艾滋病毒. 


的re are many supportive organizations in Seattle to 协助 people living with 艾滋病毒和艾滋病. 这不是一个人必须独自完成的旅程. 

  • 终身 is a community health organization committed to empowering people living with or at risk of 艾滋病毒 and/or other chronic conditions to lead healthier lives. 的y are located close to campus and can 协助 with many levels of care. 
  • 有色人种抗艾滋病网络 非营利组织是否致力于提供全面的服务, multicultural awareness and prevention messages aimed at addressing health disparities experienced in marginalized communities. 

准备 代表暴露前预防. 准备 is a pill that you can take once a day to reduce the chances of contracting 艾滋病毒. 准备 can lower 艾滋病毒 contraction through sex by 90% and can lower contraction through injection drugs by 70%. 学生健康中心 我能帮你 确定 if 准备 是适合你的,我能给你开处方吗. 


We believe everyone has a role to play in preventing violence on campus and in the broader community. We want to empower students to be involved in the conversation about violence prevention and to take action through bystander intervention. 健康及促进健康 is the primary office responsible for this work at SU and if you have any questions or ideas, 我们欢迎大家交流.

变革之声is an online training program designed to promote a healthier and safer campus environment for everyone. 国外博彩app requires all incoming students to complete the program prior to attending classes. 变革之声 is divided into four critical areas which students face. 这些地区 是: 生活在并支持一个包容的社区, 理解 and preventing sexual misconduct through bystander intervention, 了解酒精和其他药物, 防止欺侮和欺凌. This program is just one part of our commitment to these topics. 在我们的学生在国外博彩app的时候, they will have the opportunity to engage in an array of programs and activities that are more 在深度上 这些主题的探索包括旁观者干预, 审查反种族主义行为, 了解性暴力迷思, 对酒精和其他药物采取以降低风险为中心的方法, 等. 

我们有一个持续的合作伙伴关系 与 壹爱基金会 and offer workshops with trained facilitators from the SU community.  的se workshops are great for student organization training, team bonding, and class sessions. Facilitators are more than happy to hold a workshop during a class period instead of a faculty member canceling class. 联系 预订工作坊. 

的se nationally certified peer health educators host various educational programs every year and are available for private individual conversations. HAWC成员 能够… 讨论资源和选择,此外,他们 要求 to 不ify the Title IX coordinator of incidents of sexual misconduct unless the student would like that. 

We take this annual opportunity to support survivors of sexual violence in our community, 教育自己, and take an honest look at the work still to be done on campus. 以前 我们已经 主持电影放映、社区论坛等. 请联系Mikaela 瓦林,, if you are interested in serving on the Sexual Assault Awareness Month steering committee. 


